How do I schedule an appointment with my pharmacy?

Written By Candace Adcox (Super Administrator)

Updated at March 11th, 2025

Scheduling an appointment

To schedule an appointment with your pharmacy within the mobile app, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the Appointments tab.
  2. Under the Make an appointment section, you will find a list of available appointment types currently being offered at your pharmacy. If there are available time slots, select Find a time to schedule your appointment. 
  1. Select an available date in which you would like to schedule your appointment. Once you have made your selection, tap Next
    1. NOTE: If the pharmacy has multiple locations, an option will be available to explore other locations offering this service in the event that your desired date is not available at your current store.
lumistry appointments tab find date in pharmacy app
  1. Select a specific time slot from the list of available options. Once you have made your selection, tap Next.
lumistry appointments tab find time in pharmacy app
  1. If your pharmacy has required forms that need to be filled out, you will be prompted to complete them prior to your appointment. Once completed, tap Submit.
lumistry appointments tab complete form in pharmacy app
  1. You will be presented with a summary page of your appointment. You can add your appointment to your personal Google, Outlook, or Apple calendar by selecting Add to Calendar
lumistry appointments tab review appoitnment in pharmacy app

Completing your pre-appointment checklist

Prior to your appointment, your pharmacy may require you to complete a pre-appointment checklist, such as filling out forms or reviewing related health information. Completing these tasks ahead of your appointment can provide you with helpful educational material and save you time at the pharmacy.

To complete your pre-appointment checklist, navigate to the Appointments tab and select your upcoming appointment card at the top of the screen.

pre appointment checklist

Under Pre-appointment checklist, you will find the list of tasks that will need to be completed prior to your appointment. If you filled out any forms during the booking process, the form checkbox will automatically be selected. 

lumistry appointments tab pre-appointment checklist in pharmacy app

You can mark each task as completed by checking it off. When you finish all the tasks on your checklist, a Checklist completed badge will appear in the appointment card.

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