You can chat securely with your pharmacy directly within the app, allowing you to easily stay connected and informed about important matters concerning your health.
To learn how to engage in secure chats with your pharmacy, navigate to the corresponding section below.
Accessing messages
If your pharmacy has sent you a direct message to check in your Patient Portal account, you will be notified via SMS or email, based on your chosen notification preferences. To update your notification preferences, see How do I manage my communication preferences?
To access any direct messages sent to you by your pharmacy, simply log in to your Patient Portal account. If your pharmacy has sent you a message, you will see an unread message badge within the Messages icon in the footer navigation. Click on the icon to access the Messages tab.

Here, you can access a collection of messages exchanged between you and your pharmacy, with your unread messages appearing at the top of the conversation list.

NOTE: Clicking on the unread message will mark it as read, but you can revert it to unread status by swiping on the conversation and selecting Mark unread.
Responding to messages
To reply to a message, select the conversation you would like to respond to. You can type a response to your pharmacy's message, in addition to attaching images and other files, as needed.
Initiating messages
If your pharmacy permits patient-initiated conversations, you will notice a New Message button. In such cases, you have the option to directly message your pharmacy, provided they have enabled this feature.
When starting a secure chat, your pharmacy will be displayed as the recipient of your message. If you wish to change this pharmacy location, select the Change option. From there, you can proceed to type your message, along with a subject that accurately reflects the content of your message.
Once you have completed typing your message, select Send.